Pics and it didn’t happen
AI-generated content is raising the value of trust Who did the posting will soon matter more than what was posted
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IT IS NOW possible to generate fake but realistic content with little more than the click of a mouse.
This can be fun: a TikTok account on which—among other things—an artificial Tom Cruise wearing a purple robe sings “Tiny Dancer” to (the real) Paris Hilton holding a toy dog has attracted 5.1m followers.
有趣的案例:一个TikTok账号上,一个身穿紫袍的数字人汤姆·克鲁斯对着(真实的)帕利斯·希尔顿(手里拿着一只玩具狗)唱着“Tiny Dancer”,吸引了510万粉丝。
It is also a profound change in societies that have long regarded images, video and audio as close to ironclad proof that something is real.
Phone scammers now need just ten seconds of audio to mimic the voices of loved ones in distress; rogue AI-generated Tom Hankses and Taylor Swifts endorse dodgy
products online, and fake videos of politicians are proliferating. 现在,电信诈骗犯只需要10秒钟的音频就能模仿出亲人痛苦的声音;骗子通过AI生成的汤姆·汉克斯和泰勒·斯威夫特在网上为假冒伪劣产品代言,政界人士的虚假视频也层出不穷。
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The fundamental problem is an old one.
From the printing press to the internet, new technologies have often made it easier to spread untruths or impersonate the trustworthy.
Typically, humans have used shortcuts to sniff out foul play: one too many spelling mistakes suggests an email might be a phishing attack, for example.
Most recently, AI-generated images of people have often been betrayed by their strangely rendered hands; fake video and audio can sometimes be out of sync.
content now immediately raises suspicion among those who know what AI is capable of doing. 现在,对于那些了解AI能力的人来说,似是而非的内容会立即引起他们的怀疑。
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The trouble is that the fakes are rapidly getting harder to spot.
AI is improving all the time, as computing power and training data become more abundant.
Could AI-powered fake-detection software, built into web browsers, identify computer-generated content? Sadly not.
Eventually AI models will probably be able to produce pixel-perfect counterfeits—digital clones of what a genuine recording of an event would have looked like, had it happened.
Even the best detection system would have no crack to find and no ledge to grasp.
Models run by regulated companies can be forced to include a watermark, but that would not affect scammers wielding open-source models, which fraudsters can tweak and run at home on their laptops. 由受监管公司运行的模型可以被强制加入水印,但这不会影响骗子们使用开源模型,骗子们可以在家里的笔记本电脑上调整和运行这些模型。
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Dystopian possibilities abound.
It will be difficult, for example, to avoid a world in which any photograph of a person can be made pornographic by someone using an open-source model in their basement, then used for blackmail—a tactic the FBI has already warned about.
Perhaps anyone will be able to produce a video of a president or prime minister announcing a nuclear first strike, momentarily setting the world on edge.
Fraudsters impersonating relatives will prosper. 冒充亲属的诈骗者将大行其道。
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Yet societies will also adapt to the fakers.
People will learn that images, audio or video of something do not prove that it happened, any more than a drawing of it does (the era of open-source intelligence, in which information can be reliably crowdsourced, may be short-lived).
Online content will no longer verify itself, so who posted something will become as important as what was posted.
Assuming trustworthy sources can continue to identify themselves securely—via URLs, email addresses and social-media platforms—reputation and provenance will become more important than ever. 假设可信的信息来源能够继续通过 URL、电子邮件地址和社交媒体平台安全地识别自己的身份,那么声誉和出处将变得比以往任何时候都更加重要。
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It may sound strange, but this was true for most of history.
The era of trusted, mass-produced content was the exception.
The fact that people may soon struggle to spot the invisible hand of AI does not mean the marketplace of ideas is doomed.
In time, the fakes that thrive will mostly be the funny ones. 随着时间的推移,大量涌现的虚假内容大部分都是搞笑段子。
(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量597左右) 原文出自:2024年1月20日《The Economist》Leaders版块
本文翻译整理: Irene
本文编辑校对: Irene
URL(uniform resource location)网络链接:统一资源定位符(或称统一资源定位器/定位地址、URL地址),有时也被俗称为网页地址(网址)。URL就如同在网络上的门牌,是因特网上标准的资源的地址(Address)。它最初是由蒂姆•伯纳斯-李发明用来作为万维网的地址,现在它已经被万维网联盟编制为因特网标准。
It is also a profound change in societies that have long regarded images, video and audio as close to ironclad proof that something is real.
Online content will no longer verify itself, so who posted something will become as important as what was posted.
The fact that people may soon struggle to spot the invisible hand of AI does not mean the marketplace of ideas is doomed. 人们可能很快就难以发现人工智能这只无形的手,但这并不意味着人类思想市场的终结。